Meet the Honor Court

The Quinceañera Court of Honor plays a crucial role in the celebration, representing various aspects of the Quinceañera’s life. The youth chosen to be part of the court are usually close friends or family members, symbolizing the importance of friendship and familial bonds in the Quinceañera’s life. Each member of the court has a specific role to play during the celebration, such as performing a choreographed dance, giving speeches, or presenting gifts to the Quinceañera.

The Court of Honor also symbolizes the support system that surrounds the Quinceañera as she embarks on this new phase of her life. The presence of the court represents the Quinceañera’s transition from childhood to womanhood, with each member playing a part in guiding and supporting her through this significant milestone.

In contemporary Quinceañera celebrations, the Court of Honor has evolved to include a mix of boys and girls, reflecting changing societal norms and the importance of gender equality. Despite these changes, the essence of the Court of Honor remains the same – to honor and celebrate the Quinceañera’s passage into womanhood surrounded by her closest friends and family members.

Chambelan de Honor

Luis Villalon


Brissa Gomez

Sophia Perez

Jessica Flores

Miah Noyola

Alondra Hernandez


David Perez

Damian Sosa

Axel Mora

Brian Sosa
